3 level torque and 5 level cadence control

There are in total 8 assist levels on the display. These are divided into the two different ridding modes: torque and pedal-assist (also called cadence mode).

Levels 1..3: torque based support, Level 1 = ECO, Level 2 = Trail, Level 3 = Power

Each level supplies, depending on how much the rider pushes into the pedals, a certain amount of power:

Torque = the force that the driver pushes into the pedals. I.e. In level 1 it starts gently, if the driver pushes harder (>40 Nm), more power is applied, but only up to 50% of the 300 W that the motor can deliver. While in level 2 the torque range is slightly smaller to provide up to 90% of the motor’s power, in level 3 the driver can achieve 100% motor power with even less effort.

There is no speed limit on torque levels.

Levels 4..8: pedal-assist (cadence) mode levels:

In pedal-assist the motor starts as soon as the rider moves the pedals in riding direction. The motor will support up to the defined maximum speed in each level. If the rider is faster than this speed setting the motor won’t do anything (speed cut out).

  • Level 4: 15% motor power, max speed ~ 12km/h
  • Level 5: 25% motor power, max speed ~ 18km/h
  • Level 6: 40% motor power, max speed ~ 25km/h
  • Level 7: 70% motor power, max speed ~ 32km/h
  • Level 8: 100% motor power, max speed ~ 38km/h

Conclusion: levels 1..3 and levels 4..8 are completely different riding modes and should not be mixed up. When riding in level 3 and changing up to level 4 will mean that usually no motor power can be sensed since those two levels are very different in their power and speed settings.